Free Your Voice!

Have you always wanted to learn how to sing? Do you believe that you can't? Let me help prove you wrong. Try voice lessons! I can give you the tools to help you reach your full potential. I believe in you!
Singing is the most authentic and vulnerable form of self-expression. When we sing, we get in touch with our soul.

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"One lesson from Isa was life changing. With her easy scales I went from my barely two-octave range to 3.5!! She gave me steps to build and protect my vocal cords too, and makes it so easy and fun! I learned more in one hour than I had in my whole life."

Lorraine Barrie

Maui, Hawaii

"Isa is so kind and non-judgmental. Singing and making sounds for me is very new and vulnerable. She was incredibly present meeting me where I was and helped me understand how to take care of my vocal cords more gently."

Amira Nyström

Playa del Carmen, Mexico


Let me tell you the story about my musical journey and how voice lessons have helped me overcome my obstacles and reach my dreams!

Once upon a time there was a shy little girl who was born into a Swedish musical family, but was too scared to sing in front of anyone. Singing can be… well, terrifying! Can you relate?


While studying at a Performing Arts High School in Stockholm, I fell in love with recording after hours alone in the studio until the janitor kicked me out. I finally worked up the courage to play my recordings for my family.

Straight out of High School I moved to Maui, Hawaii and married a professional musician who encouraged me to face my stage fright, “just do it” and start performing publicly. I’ll admit, it wasn’t easy. I failed auditions and got kicked out of a few bands for not being “good enough”. But I didn’t let that stop me.

In order to get to the level I wanted to be at, I started taking voice lessons from Joy Fields who is trained in the SLS method (“Speech Level Singing”) by the one and only Seth Riggs, who coached famous artists such as Michael Jackson, Prince, Madonna and Stevie Wonder. This method is focused on making singing as effortless as speaking. This was a total game changer for me. Slowly but surely my voice got stronger, I was able to sing any song in any genre, I learned how to access different parts of my voice so it became more dynamic and my range increased. I finally felt free! I finally felt powerful! It wasn't a struggle anymore. I didn't have to try so hard and could focus on just ENJOYING singing and expressing myself. It became EASY!


After 15+ years of performance experience and diligently keeping up with my daily voice exercises, the scared little girl became a powerful, confident performer who was finally in demand. I am now one of the lead singers in two of Maui’s top cover bands, “ Espresso” and “Crazy Fingers”. We perform professionally at weddings, corporate events, hotels and get flown to gig remotely.

In 2021, I decided to move to Madeira, a Portuguese island, and take the online BAST training by Line Hilton based in the UK, to become a voice coach to improve my own voice even more and help others.

I am so happy you found me and I look forward to connecting with you and helping you on your journey of freeing your voice! Now it's your time to shine!  

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